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Keiko Okumoto 

Singer, Lyricist, Performer

My Channel

 YouTube / Japanese 





 YouTube / English 

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Keiko Okumoto

Keiko Okmoto was born in Tokyo Japan. Her parents, a professional Opera singer and an Actor taught her music and theater from an early age. After graduating from high school, she joined a very well known Theatrical Company in Japan called "BUNGAKU-ZA". She subsequently also joined Shiki Theatre Company, one of Japan's top theater companies, with very difficult entry requirements.

In 2008, she decided to shift the focus of her career from acting to singing. She began singing in many different venues throughout Tokyo, and was very successful. Based on demand from her audiences, she decided to produce a CD of her own, original material. At that time, she met producer Ryo Okumoto, a composer and artist known throughout the world. With his help, "Power To Believe" was released in Oct 2009. As a result of her experience with Mr. Okumoto, Keiko decided to move to Los Angeles to study English and Music while continuing to compose more of her own music.

東京都出身。オペラ劇団「こんにゃく座」の創設者であり、奥本啓子の師となる藤本耕治•澄子を両親に持つち、影響を存分に受けて育った彼女は高校卒業後、劇団文学座研究所にて芝居を、劇団四季でミュージカルとダンスを習得。プロダクションBIG FACEに所属し、舞台、ラジオ、TV等の仕事を行い、東京オペラアンサンブルにて、オペラと歌のステージで学校公演を行う。

12年間舞台に関係し2008年より女優からSingerへ転向。その後も舞台経験を活かしLive Showを企画•公演。Singerへ転向後出会った、音楽の師であり夫となるキーボードプレーヤー奥本亮のプロデュースのもとオリジナルソングでシングルCDをリリース。(2009年 1st シングル「Power To Believe」2012年 2nd シングル「思い出桜」)


2016年より劇団四季の同期とK-sistersというユニットを組み、唯一無二のLIVE SHOWを繰り広げている。

End of 2016, she found breast cancer by herself. After that, she had operations and chemotherapy. She fought strongly and she beaten her cancer. She's so healthy now.

Because of the cancer experience, she thought that she'd love to do something for other women through her music with Pink Ribbon Movement.  And she's started a campaign with K-sisters in Japan.


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